
Bamboo Group sustains low carbon emissions in 2021

Bamboo Group continues to make strides towards climate neutrality, achieving consistent results in 2021. Total emissions for the year reached 26715.043 kg of CO2. Notably, public transport emissions stood at 17194.430 kg, whilst air travel emissions were reduced to 7091.972 kg. All this signifies a reduction of 328.595 kg in total compared to the previous…

Release of 2021: Focusing on Growth

Positive transformations To many, 2021 was a year of recovery. The financial shock caused by the COVID-19 outbreak back in 2020 had an unprecedented impact on thousands of businesses worldwide. 2020 was a successful year for Bamboo Group – largely due to the diversification facilitated by adopting a mixed work model in its service and…

2020 aasta aruanne: Muutuste aasta

2020 käivitas fundamentaalse strateegilise ning tegevusliku muutuse Bamboo Groupis. Pandeemia tõttu pidi ettevõte kiiresti kohanema klientide muutuvate vajadustega ning leidma uusi viise, kuidas pakkuda lisaväärtust nende üldiseks jätkusuutlikuks teenindamiseks.

Release of 2020: A year of change

Plotting the path for business resilience 2020 triggered off fundamental strategic and operational transformation at Bamboo Group. Due to the pandemic, the company had to rapidly adapt to the clients’ changing needs and discover new ways to offer additional value for their overall sustainability. We strengthened the work relationships between team members within project teams…

The joint app of Znaj and Mobile TeleSystems has been launched

Tallinn, Estonia, February 11, 2021 – Mobile TeleSystems, one of the largest mobile operators in the CIS, has released a mobile application “MTS Gradebook”, an analogue of a paper school gradebook and registry with additional interactive features. The service allows tracking child’s school progress by providing access to the platform of e-services for education Znaj.…

Znaj selected for the Top 100 best projects by Sber 500

Tallinn, Estonia, February 10, 2021 – Znaj, an edtech portfolio company of Bamboo Group, has been named among the Top 100 best projects selected by Sber 500 for the next interview with representatives of the accelerator from San Francisco. Recently, Znaj has completed the Sber 500 Bootcamp, being one of the 500 startups selected for…